Consensual Hallucination: Bryn Oh's Second Life-Based Work

This is a Chapter I wrote for the Metaverse Creativity Vol 4. Number 1 (Summer 2014, UK) pp 35-53. ISSN 2040-3550, Online ISSN: 2040-3569 Intellect Publishers of original thinking. This is another product of my research project at the UAM A N-127 “Hacia un Ethos Creativo en la Enseñanza del Diseño y la Visualidad en los Medios Digitales. Un acercamiento a la estética digital como instrumental de interacción cultural para la enseñanza contemporánea de la visualización y el diseño en México” That was proposed and registered, oficially at the UAM A (CYAD), shortly before I was accepted in september of 2007 in the PhD in Media Studies Program at The Faculty of Information and Media Studies of The University of Western Ontario, in London On. Canada. The central subject of the project revolves around communication, information networks and virtual worlds aethetics through the development of a series of analysis, intellectual ‘devices’ and new methods (mainly qualitative) for observing, collecting ad sorting out conclusions in situ. In that sense visuality, virtuality, technology and design are the sujéts of study. From a combined perspective of media studies plus digital aesthetics, the articulation of digital technologies, visual arts and contemporary theories of design, emerge as innovative, pervasive, highly influencial environments for artists and the general public. 

Because of that, schools and institutions devoted to design education will get positively benefited from the reflection and knowledge about new and contemporary forms of visualisation and ‘virtualisation’ through digital technologies. The project N-127 was the keystone for the PhD research proposal submitted to UWO in 2007 and concluded successfully in December 2012.


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